STRATFORD, CT — The 2020 primary election for Democrat registrar of voters is heating up in Stratford, with incumbent Rick Marcone taking on endorsed Democratic Town Committee candidate James Simon on Tuesday.
Marcone is the current Democrat registrar of voters. He holds an associate’s degree in electromechanical engineering and is state certified as a registrar. Marcone has served as chairman of the Roosevelt Forest Commission and as chairman of the Stratford Democratic Town Committee. He is a member of the Stratford Parks and Recreation Commission and the Stratford Board of Education Athletic Review Committee.
Candidate responses appear as they were received and have not been edited by Patch staff.
The single most pressing issue facing the registrar’s office is _______, and this is what I intend to do about it.
There are actually two very pressing issues facing the Registrar of Voters Office today. As we navigate through these uncertain times, as registrar of voters I have taken the necessary precautions of ensuring the safety of voters and poll workers by developing a “Safe Polls Plan” in this COVID-19 environment. The plan addresses training our poll workers and also providing the necessary PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to anyone entering Stratford’s polling locations. I, along with the Registrars of Voters Association and the Connecticut Town Clerks, have also worked closely with Secretary of the State Dennis Merrill to develop a mail-in-voting plan to ensure any voter that wishes to cast their ballot can do so in a safe environment without having to potentially expose anyone with a compromised health status.
The other pressing issue facing our office is the threat of cyber-attack. The recent integrity and confidence of our elections has been exposed by potential bad actors. I have taken the necessary steps by developing a “Secure Polls Plan” by working with the Connecticut Military Department Cyber Election Security Team and Stratford’s IT Department by doing an assessment of Stratford’s infrastructure. This will allow us to determine and evaluate any potential weakness in our cyber security and to address these issues prior to our elections so we can all have confidence in the final results.
What are the critical differences between you and the other candidate seeking this post? List other issues that define your campaign platform:
The critical difference between me and my opponent is like comparing night to day. I have the educational training in the field of elections and on-the-job work experience, and my opponent has none. I have worked on and conducted over 30 successful local, state and national elections, special elections and primaries throughout my tenure as registrar of voters, while my opponent has none, that’s right zero. He has never worked or volunteered to work at the polls in any capacity for an election. You wouldn’t take your automobile to your accountant for repair, nor would you take your tax return to a mechanic to complete, why would we entrust our elections, especially an election as important as the one coming up, to someone with zero experience and knowledge of what it actually takes to guard against outside interference and to prepare and run a successful election? My years of professional training and my on-the-job experience speak volumes over the verbal bluster of my opponent. My mandatory state certification as a registrar of voters along with my certification as one of only nine certified moderator trainers in the state of Connecticut ensures I’m prepared for any on-the-spot issue that may need immediate attention. Ensuring the integrity of our elections means having the knowledge and experience of what it actually takes to run a successful election. I have the years of training and the certifications to show I’m prepared while my opponent loves to be critical of things he knows nothing about. His lack of education in the field of elections should frighten anyone who’s concerned with the outcome of such an important election like the one in November.
What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job?
I have worked very hard as the Stratford Democratic registrar of voters for 12 years, managing more than 30 election events and promoting voter registration at community events such as the South End Community Day, Stratford’s Pumpkin Festival, Main Street Festival, and many others. In addition to annual visits to both high schools I have participated in many civics classes promoting the importance of registering to vote and emphasized exercising our right to vote. I have hired and trained hundreds of election and poll workers for multiple primary and general elections. This includes the personnel working as assistant registrars, moderators, official checkers, tabulator tenders and ballot clerks. I have the knowledge, skill and training required to test equipment prior to each election, validating functionality and accuracy to ensure a fair electoral process.
The best advice ever shared with me was …
When I entered the crazy world of politics I was given this sound advice; your word is your bond. Loyalty above politics and integrity matters. I have been true to that advice throughout my personal life and my professional career. My priority as registrar of voters has always been and will always be to ensure an equal and fair election process, reaching out to all eligible voters in Stratford and maintaining the integrity and confidence in the process. I am in the office as the registrar of voters to serve the people of Stratford.
What else would you like voters to know about yourself and your positions?
I would like the voters of Stratford to know that I am a life-long resident of Stratford and am very dedicated to our community. I am very hard-working, actively involved in community activities, supporting youth sports and students involved in music and theater. I am former president of the award winning Stratford-Bunnell Marching Band and Guard Parents Association. Through my hard work and involvement in our community, I have been recognized for my efforts. I received the Friends of Education award from the Stratford Board of Education. I was the co-founder of Parents for High School Lacrosse, bringing this very dynamic sport to boys and girls at both high schools. I was a recipient of the Walter Wright Community Spirit award from Bunnell High School Athletics and was a recipient of the South End Community Committee Service Award. I also received the Friends of Sterling House award and continue to be an active supporter and volunteer for Sterling House Community Center. I was truly honored to receive these awards, but my dedication to and my work for our community was my priority. I wasn’t “in it “for the accolades. I believe that service to and for others is its own reward. I believe my 12 years of experience and training as your registrar and my continued commitment to the town of Stratford makes me the BEST candidate to continue to serve as your registrar. To paraphrase the great President John F. Kennedy, ask not what your community can do for you, ask what you can do for your community. I will continue to live by those words and ask for your support on Aug. 11 to continue as your registrar of voters.
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