Place: Courthouse Annex, 095 Second St., Asotin
Sheriff John Hilderbrand, law enforcement mutual assistance compact with city of Moscow.
Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs grant award — action.
Emergency Services Coordinator Mark Janowski, Homeland Security grant — action.
County Fair Board President Peggy Hansford, contract, Gold Buckle Rodeo Co. stock contractor — action.
Agreement, Emerald Fair & Rodeo sponsor, Ziggy’s Home Improvement — action.
Agreement, Barrel Man sponsor, P1FCU — action.
Contract, Rainier Amusements Carnival — action.
Contract, Sheriff Search & Rescue Posse — action.
County Treasurer Holly Steiner, request to refill vacant office assistant position — action.
Stormwater Coordinator Jeff Wiemer, Ridges Subdivision retrofitting contract with Aspect Consulting — action.
Building Official/County Planner Karst Riggers, conditional-use permit 20-02, Asotin County Solid Waste (landfill) 2901 Sixth Ave.
Variance permit 20-04, Harry Chinchinian, doing business as Valley Fence, 2307 Appleside Blvd.
Public Works Director Dustin Johnson, resolution designating county road project 265 bridge load rating — action.
Chief Operating Officer Chris Kemp, interlocal cooperative agreement with county equipment rental and revolving fund and Fire District No. 1 — action.
Vision Service Plan contract renewal — action.
City of Clarkston transportation open house
Place: City Hall, 829 Fifth St., Clarkston
An open house to gather public comment on the preferred design alternative for the Eighth Street/Diagonal Street/Elm Street intersection project.
Surveys will be available for the public to fill out for selecting the preferred design alternative.
Nez Perce County Commission
Place: Brammer Building, 1225 Idaho St., Lewiston
Consider authorizing the treasurer’s office to contribute a portion of its accrued sick leave — action item.
Consider a state/local agreement for Southwick Road safety improvements — action item.
Consider a proposed scope of work and fee schedule for phase two of the courthouse project — action item.
Consider a request for a retail alcohol beverage license — action item.
Other commission agendas at the Brammer Building.
Meeting with Planning and Building for an update on violations; update on levee certification; fee schedule; conservation subdivisions; and other issues.
Emergency management update, including an executive session for personnel.
Elected officials meeting, including courthouse update; House Bill 409; employee recognition program update; janitorial services; discussion on additional budget meetings with the city of Lewiston; county insurance; and other issues.
Weekly meeting with the prosecutor to discuss airport joint powers agreement revisions and other issues.
Executive session for personnel.
Sheriff’s office update, including a vehicle purchase; equipment grant for K9; and other issues.
Place: City Hall, 1134 F St., Lewiston
Update on the state of recreation and the cemetery.
Presentation on the new permit software being used by Community Development.
Update on development in the Area of City Impact.
Discussion regarding the requirements and makeup of the airport board.
Lewiston Historic Preservation Commission
Place: Bell Building, 215 D St., Lewiston
Certificate of appropriateness for 707 Seventh Ave. — action item.
Orchid Awards — action item.
Update on environmental review for the water treatment accessory building.
Sidewalk vaults discussion.
Historic district boundary increase newsletter discussion.
Historic district rewrite discussion.
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